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Free counseling available through Recovery Access Fund


Representatives from Tri-County Health Network announced the the launch of the Delta and West End Recovery Access Fund (RAF). This fund offers financial assistance to those who live or work in Delta or the West End of Montrose County and who are in need of mental health counseling related to substance use. RAF will pay counselors directly at a rate of $110 per session for services. Clients will be responsible for any remaining balance over the $110 amount. 

This means anyone who lives or works in Delta or the West End is eligible to receive six sessions, regardless of income. Recipients may also apply for an additional six sessions, dependent on income. For those who may qualify for a scholarship through RAF, they can apply online at

Additionally, a mental health care provider who wishes to provide services through RAF can apply too. (If they’re already approved for the San Miguel Behavioral Health Fund, they’re are automatically approved to be a provider for RAF.) Approval for providers to work with the funds can be done fairly quickly and enables counselors to keep seeing existing clients or attain new ones. 

Melanie Montoya Wasserman, co-executive director for Tri-County Health Network, told the Forum that the funds are part of a grant from the Southwest Colorado Opioid Regional Council. Wasserman said the initial application for those needing counseling is not investigative. Minimal questioning is required for approval, and some questions have an option of “choosing not to respond.” 

Later, in counseling, all information is confidentially protected by law. 

“One of the goals is to reduce barriers to access,” Wasserman said. “There are applications, information needs to be submitted, but hopefully it feels accessible for people and easy to do.”

She added that the initial sign-up is just the first hurdle for someone to get past, and she hopes it is as smooth as possible. She said qualification to see a counselor can happen as quickly as one to two days. The funds can pay for someone to see their existing provider, or help them get matched with a new one. Tele-health is also an option. 

There doesn’t appear to be an age requirement on the application, and Wasserman said there’s a place to let representatives know that someone is applying for a dependent. 

“This is available to anybody in Delta or the West End,” Wasserman said, adding that teens can receive sessions.

“There is no income barrier,” she added.

She reiterated that if a session did cost more than $110, a client would have to make up the rest. But, someone with a low income or no income could go for another six sessions. Getting another six can happen by proving income 400 percent below the federal poverty line. 

Wasserman doesn’t want filling out an application to be a barrier. She said anyone struggling to fill the form out or deal with the website can contact Tri-County Health Network representatives, and they will assist. 

“Someone will walk them through the application and process,” she said. 

What’s more is that Tri-County Health Network screens people for other social determinants, including access to food, housing and health insurance and looks to see if abuse might be happening in the home. Wasserman said the organization wants to help the whole person, not just one problem. She said it’s about health and support.

Recovery Access Funds are available on a first come, first served basis. There’s $40,000 in the fund now, and that could help 50 to 55 people get six counseling sessions related to substance abuse. 

The funds are for 2024. Next year, another round of funding will be available too. 

Those with questions should email raf@tchnetwork.