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Mustangs are winning on the mat 


Rob McCabe, a Nucla High School graduate from the class of 2001, is back in town teaching history and PE, along with coaching wrestling. In the last 21 years, he’s built a coaching resume and has the experience to lead the Mustangs. 

McCabe went to college at Adams State in Colorado. He started teaching in Pagosa Springs, and also taught in Florida for five years. He then coached at the college level in Kentucky. 

Now back in Nucla, he admitted it’s quite different going from coaching at the college level to working with high school kids, but he’s happy. 

“I enjoy it, and I’m glad to be back home,” he told the Forum last week. 

McCabe is married with four children, and they’re all settling into small-town life in Nucla, too.

On the wrestling team this year are six guys and a girl. The female, Riley McCabe, is coach’s daughter and a senior this year. 

The juniors are J.W. Nasland, Arthur Connelly and Derrick VanDellen. There are two sophomores:  Paxton Caruso and Hunter Rowe. Rowan Hemphill is the only freshman. 

McCabe said so far on the mat the wrestlers are doing well. 

Riley McCabe is wrestling at 125 pounds. This is the first year she’s competed in the sport and is wrestling only females. She was third in Gunnison and second at Salida. 

Nasland, wrestling at 126 pounds, took second in Gunnison, Salida and Moab. 

Connelly, wrestling at 175 pounds, previously won two tournaments and took fifth at the Warrior Classic. He was recently ranked fourth in the state. 

“He’s having a good season,” McCabe said.

VanDellen, on the mat at 138 pounds, was fifth at Moab and fourth in Salida. He was also eighth at Gunnsion. 

Caruso, wrestling at 190 pounds, was second in Salida and third in Gunnison. 

Rowe, wrestling at 157 pounds, took seventh in Moab. 

Hemphill, at 106 pounds, is brand new to wrestling. 

“I’m excited to have him out and watch him grow,” coach said. 

As far as future plans go, McCabe said he’s staying put for a while. He said that includes the upcoming co-op agreement with Norwood for sports. 

“I’m excited for when we do co-op,” he said. “We tried getting the middle school combined this year, but it was hard with transportation. That’s one obstacle we weren’t able to overcome. Hopefully next year, we’ll be able to figure everything out.” 

McCabe is assisted by Lars Nasland. He’s looking forward to what this season has in store. 

“I hope we continue to grow and help develop these kids,” he said. 

Nucla lost to both Ignacio and Rangely on Friday night, but in matches wrestled the guys were 7-2.  Picking up wins were Riley McCabe vs. Ignacio, Connelly vs. Ignaciao and Rangely, Naslund vs. Ignacio and Rangley and Rowe vs. Ignacio and Rangely.  

McCabe is 7-4 on the season. On Friday she heads to Grand Junction to compete in a big all-girls tournament.

Naslund won the Norwood invitational and is 19-4 this season. Connelly won his third tournament of the year at Norwood and is 26-3. VanDellen was fifth at Norwood and is 14-17.

Caruso was also out this past weekend and is 8-5. Rowe was sixth at Norwood and is 7-17.

Hemphill, out with an injury over the weekend, is 1-6.

“This weekend the boys travel to North Fork High School in Hotchkiss for a tough pre-regional tournament with regional competition,” coach said. “Placement on this tournament carries a lot of weight for seeding at the regional meet in three weeks.