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School conferences and homecoming are coming right up 


Fall is here, and along with it comes many school-related activities and festivities. Nucla Middle School-High School will have parent-teacher conferences on Oct. 13 from 4 to 8 p.m., and on Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to noon. 

The middle and high schools will have an open house during these times, where families can come into the office to get a student’s progress report and then visit each of their teachers in classrooms. The conferences are designed to help families understand what students are learning at school, their academic and social-emotional progress, as well as what families and teachers can do to best support students.

Some questions to ask when attending the conferences and open house are, “How is my child doing? Is there anything you would like to share with me about what you have observed regarding my child since school started?” Other questions are, “What is my child expected to learn, know and do by the end of this school year, and is my child on target? How will my child’s grade be calculated? Does my child have any outstanding assignments, and if so, can you please provide me a list of those assignments and a timeline of when they need to be turned in?” It’s also good to ask, “What does my child do well, and is there anything they are struggling with? How is my child doing socially and emotionally? What can I do to support my child?”

And, it’s almost time for Nucla High School’s homecoming. This year’s theme is “superheroes.” Each class was able to choose a superhero to decorate their hallway with and use as the theme for their float. The seniors chose Spider-Man, the juniors selected Batman, the sophomores picked Ghost Rider and the freshmen have Groot. The eighth grade has Green Arrow, and the seventh chose The Incredibles.

Students also selected their royalty court for homecoming. Senior attendants are Steele Arnold, Keiran Bray, Nolan Cressler, Shania Joseph, Hemmy O’Brien, Haylee Smith, JW Naslund and Jessica Wilhelm. Juniors are Hunter Rowe and Merilee Gallagher. Sophomores are Jose Zunich and Noni Yardley. Freshman are Jacob Davis and Annie Anton.

The homecoming schedule for the week is as follows: Oct. 9 is Pajama Day, and Oct. 10 is Twin Day. Oct. 11 is Crazy Hair Day, plus the powder puff game at 7 p.m. at the high school football field. A bonfire will follow on the north end of the field. Oct. 12 is Blue & Gold Day, and the pep rally starts at 1:30 p.m. in the high school gym. The peach fuzz warm-up game is at 2:30 p.m. 

On Oct. 14, the homecoming parade begins at 10 a.m. 

“This year, there will be an alternate route, the parade will start at the Nucla Arena, float judging will take place at Kenny’s Tires, and the parade will turn left at the park to head back to the school for the royalty ceremony,” administration said in a news release. 

The homecoming royalty ceremony will take place immediately after the parade on the football field. The high school volleyball team will face DeBeque at 2 p.m. All in the West End are invited to come out and support the Mustangs. 

The homecoming dance will take place from 8 to 11 p.m. for the students.