Serving Nucla, Naturita, Norwood & Surrounding Areas

Trust celebrates success of Resiliency Grant funds


Almost four years ago, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., entrusted $500,000 to the West End Pay it Forward Trust (WEPIFT) for the purpose of awarding grants to community organizations which would promote resiliency and economic development in the West End. On Saturday, April 13, WEPIFT and Tri-State hosted a celebration at the Nucla Community Center to celebrate the success of those grants and the great work achieved by 22 organizations to support West End communities. 

“It’s been an honor to administer the Resiliency Grant funds on behalf of Tri-State, and we are proud of all the organizations, which have benefitted and the effort they have made to help sustain this community,” said Sara Bachman, trust board president.

On Saturday evening, the Nucla Community Center was decorated for the celebratory occasion, and Resiliency Grant recipients and representatives from the WEPIFT board and Tri-State were treated to a special dinner catered by Saucy Mamas of Nucla. Several grant recipients spoke about how they used grant funds to better serve the West End community. Paula Brown, executive director of the Nucla-Naturita Area Chamber of Commerce, emphasized how the chamber’s original grant for Visitor Center operations in 2020 allowed them to keep the doors open during a tough year. 

“Our community is extremely lucky to have the West End Pay it Forward Trust. This board is top notch in my book. Thank you, Tri-State, for trusting them to administer the Resiliency Grant funds to lift up our community,” Brown said. 

Resiliency Grants were intended to promote economic development and resiliency in the West End, following the closure of the Tri-State power plant and New Horizon Coal Mine. WEPIFT received the $500,000 donation from Tri-State in 2020, following the early closure of the power plant. In addition, the Telluride Foundation (which manages and invests WEPIFT’s endowment fund) is committed to matching Tri-State’s donation with an additional $500,000 investment in the West End communities over four years through its Community Grants, initiatives and other programs.  

Tri-State allocated $100,000 to WEPIFT’s permanent endowment, ensuring WEPIFT will always be able to give annual grants. The additional donation of $400,000 was awarded as Resiliency Grants over the four years. 

“When we announced the plant retirement in 2016, we recognized that WEPIFT was the right organization to administer our $500,000 donation to support economic development and resiliency, and to promote the overall well-being of the community,” said Sarah Carlisle, Tri-State Senior External Affairs Advisor. “WEPIFT has leveraged our donation to do impactful work. I am honored to serve on the WEPIFT board and admire the grit and tenacity of the West End of Montrose County.”

From 2020 to 2023, WEPIFT awarded 26 grants (some organizations received multiple grants) totaling $361,228. Grants ranged from $50,000 for the West End Public Schools  District to reduce the new school mill levy … to $1,000 for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to provide for free books for West End toddlers. Grants have funded a variety of resiliency and economic development projects and organizations, including Nucla-Naturita Visitor Center, for general operating and building improvements; Apple Core Project, for general operating; Confluence Events, for the Hanging Flume Ultra Race; Tabeguache Trail Riders, for upgrades to the Nucla Arena; True North Youth Program for a West End youth coordinator and space; Paradox Pipeline Co., for a water filtration system; Nucla-Naturita Senior Center, for new appliances, serving ware and the cook’s salary; West End Sheriff’s Posse, for search and rescue equipment; Nucla High School, for technology upgrades and the archery program; West End Economic Development Corporation, for general operating; Rimrocker Historical Society, for Ball Park improvements; West End Trails Alliance, for trails master planning and NEPA studies; Town of Nucla, for community center upgrades; Dominguez-Escalante Expedition Education Project, for website improvements; Town of Naturita, for a water mister for Town Park; Paradox Community Center, for new metal siding; Paradox Cycle, for student apprenticeships; and Nucla/Naturita Fire Department, to purchase wildland fire gear.

WEPIFT was created in 2013 with the mission to improve the West End communities now and for future generations. Its purpose is to create and grow a permanent, locally controlled endowment fund to support community and economic development projects. Interest generated from the endowment supports community projects and charitable causes. WEPIFT’s policy states that it will use 5 percent of the total endowment each year for grants to the community. Starting with only $400 in July of 2015, the WEPIFT board has now raised more than $300,000 to date. 

WEPIFT will continue raising funds for its endowment, so that it can support the community for many years to come. To make this possible, the trust hopes to increase the number of donors who give monthly. Currently, WEPIFT is collecting approximately $700 monthly from donors who pledge a donation through Citizens State Bank of Naturita, the trust’s primary bank, or their credit/debit card online. 

The board has said donations of $10 per month make a huge difference. WEPIFT is a simple and lasting way for residents of the West End to make a difference in their community by paying it forward to help the community now and for future generations.  

Currently, WEPIFT’s board includes Jane Thompson, Kendra Ballard, Doylene Garvey, Sara Bachman, Troy Masters, Erin Jones, Barb Olander and Sarah Carlisle (non-voting). April Montgomery of the Telluride Foundation serves as an ex-officio member. 

Anyone interested in learning more about WEPIFT should contact, look for the trust on Facebook, or visit Anyone interested in joining the WEPIFT board should send letters of intent to