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Young Mustang baseball team is hard at work 


The Nucla High School baseball team, a combined team with kids from Norwood and even one from Telluride, is hard at work. Practices started Feb. 28 for the Mustangs, and already, as of press time, they’d played nine games this season. 

Head coach Randy Gabriel told the Forum on Monday they’re a young team, with just 13 kids out. They were 4-5 on Tuesday but headed to a game at Grand Valley that day. 

Gabriel is no stranger to coaching high school baseball. He coached 1991-98 and came back in 2016. He’s assisted by Kelly Arnold, of Nucla, and Ben Kirk, of Norwood. 

Seniors this year are P.J. Hulst, of Telluride High School, and Tony Holguin, of Norwood High School. Holguin was injured in football but still a part of Mustang baseball, even though he cannot play. 

Freshmen now are Brycen Rummel, Owen Tackett and Coulter Shumway. Sophomores are Joshua Platt, Jake Hulst, Paxtin Caruso and Hasten Sutherland. Juniors are Steele Arnold, Joseph Casillas, Hemmy O’Brien and Owen Dinsmore.

“We need a lot of games,” coach said. “We have kids thrust into spots they’ve never been in.”

He added for baseball the team plays 2A and 3A teams that are tough. The Mustangs fell to Cedaredge, and last Friday Ignacio, 11-1, though they recently beat Olathe and Sanford. 

Gabriel said the guys do well. 

“They work hard, and they listen,” he said. “We’ve made way too many errors all year. They’re young and not confident to make plays, but they work hard and do everything we ask. I couldn’t ask for a better group of kids.” 

With eight games left, the Mustangs have four double-headers coming right up. The guys play Dove Creek at home on Saturday, and Rangely next Friday. On May 2, they face Ignacio, followed by districts. 

Coach said the Mustangs have to pick up the pace. 

Mustang baseball has a strong reputation. Since 2014, they’ve made it to the state’s final eight. Coach admitted that’s an achievement, but said it’s not fair to compare the current team to the past. 

“They need time,” he said. “That’s our motto:  try to improve and get better every day.”

This season’s weather didn’t help matters, since snow and mud prevented use of the fields. The guys had to find patches of outfield that were good enough to practice on, but they did get outside and get to work. 

Coach said he’s grateful for the kids on the current team. He’s proud of their work ethic.

“That’s all we can ask,” he said. “Just try to improve and get better every day.”

He’s also appreciative of Arnold and Kirk. He said Arnold was instrumental in taking the reins in 2021, when Gabriel suffered a car accident. Arnold stepped up and handled regionals and more to get the team through the end of that season. 

“He’s always there with anything I need help with,” he said, “and being athletic director does a great job.” 

Kirk has been on board since 2017 and drives kids from Norwood to Nucla for practices. 

“He does everything we need,” coach said. “He’s very loyal to Nucla baseball. These (coaches) definitely contribute to our success.” 

Gabriel will be coaching all day Saturday and miss another important game, his son’s. Will Gabriel’s college baseball team, the UCCS Mountain Lions, will face Colorado Mesa University this weekend. They play Friday through Sunday, though, and coach said he will be attending the other days, especially since if things go as planned, Will Gabriel will get to pitch Sunday.